All the Details—Clear and Simple
What We Offer
Self-publishing requires many setup details besides editing, interior design, cover design and ebook creation. We can help you get right to the solutions without struggle.
Understanding ISBNs can be daunting. It’s important to get this right to preserve your credible status and integrity as a publisher or self-publisher. The method depends on which country you live in. We will answer your questions and guide you through the process.
Amazon Sales Page
We can help you with the various steps needed so that your book is displayed advantageously on Amazon. Creating an effective profile as an author or publisher can boost sales. We can also upload your book files for you.
Do you have an audio recording need to be transcribed so that you can adapt it for your book? We can type and format your text and send you a clear Word file that is easy for you to work with.
Image Retouching
If your photos or illustrations require retouching, cropping or any modification, we can improve them. We also advise our clients on whether images are fit for printed books or ebooks.
Urgent Deadlines
You may need to have books designed, printed and delivered quickly for an important event. We can work overtime to meet your deadline.
Different Languages
Many of our clients have books in different languages or books with multiple languages in one volume. We welcome books in all languages. We work with many writers whose primary language is not English. Click here to read more about our work with different languages.
Book Printers
All printers are not book printers. The printer you choose will depend on the number of books you want to print at one time. Choosing the right printer will optimize your book production and sales. The printer you choose will depend partly on your market and your sales strategy. Click here to read more about printers on our Book Design page.
Book Series & Linking Your Books
If you have written a series, you will want to indicate this on Amazon. If you have multiple editions of a book, such as a softcover, ebook and audiobook, you will want them to be linked. We can help with your Amazon account so that this is done right.
Branding Strategy for Your Book—and Beyond
Work with our partners to create a branding strategy for your business related to your book. This team of experts really listen to you, are clear about the challenges you face in today’s world, and offer inventive, robust solutions unique to you. Research-based work pinpoints what the market looks like and how to position you so that you stand out. Our partners’ outstanding design services, branding strategy and website creation present your product visually with clear messaging, emphasizing your unique selling point.
Contact us and we’ll come up with a plan to take care of the extra things you need.

We work with all genres, in different languages and with dedicated book printers around the world.

“As a first-time author, I could not have asked for a kinder, more competent, or more efficient editor, book designer and ebook creator than Jill Ronsley! She clearly outlined her services and guided me through each phase of publishing. Jill gave incisive feedback where needed and provided resources to help me make critical writing style decisions. She offered multiple visual options for interior and cover designs. She explained her thinking as we proceeded, and listened to and honored mine. Turn-around time was routinely speedy. Jill made the entire writing and publishing process of my book about the American civil rights advocate, Pauli Murray, more than manageable—in fact, enjoyable. I am very pleased with the final product. I enthusiastically recommend Jill Ronsley as an editor and book designer!”
—Jane A. Hewitt, author and publisher of PAULI MURRAY: Trailblazing Activist for Civil Rights, Women’s Rights and Human Rights
Amazon & Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
Setting up a publisher profile and profiles for your book’s sales page on Amazon can be daunting. The same is true for ebooks on Amazon’s Kindle site, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
If you are writing a series, you may want to set up a series bundle for your titles.
We can set this up for you so that your information is correct and your sales pages stand out. We will also upload your book files in the correct formats.
Contact us with your requests related to Amazon, Kindle Direct Publishing or Create Space.

A book in a series: TIMS—The Intelligent Migrant Series, Book 3, by Vadim Turcanu, available in softcover and ebook formats.
Audio Transcription
You may have given a talk at an event and recorded it. You may have dictated the first draft of your book, rather than typing it. When inspiration comes, we often capture our ideas using a recording app on our mobile phone.
Having a transcription of your recording facilitates use of the text for other projects, such as a book, article or website content.
We provide transcription services and deliver a properly formatted Word file, without all the ums and ahs. You will then be able to extract the passages you need for use in any project.

You can record your story using simple recording equipment.
Image Retouching
Scratches, dust and signs of aging on a photograph will show clearly in a printed book or ebook. Sometimes you will want the aged look in your photos. At other times, they will look better cleaned up.
We can retouch your images for your publication if need be. Illustrations and photos can be modified, cropped, resized or adjusted in various ways.
Starting with an original, high-resolution digital file is ideal. When you take photos, set your digital or cell phone camera to the highest resolution to ensure that later you can use your photos easily.
If you scan an old photograph, it’s best to do so at 300 to 400 dots per inch (dpi) and save the file as a TIFF or JPEG.

“Jill was great in helping me to understand the ins and outs of book design and printing. Her calm, positive demeanor made her great to work with when dealing with repeated iterations, pulling together all the pieces, and handling the last minute changes that are inevitable in this type of project. I found Jill’s ideas, suggestions, and insights to be very helpful, and that made the whole process easier. She obviously knows her stuff!”
—Diane E. Root, author of Solomon Sire and the Fabulous Fib
Urgent Deadlines

Don’t miss an important event and the book sales it may bring.
Do you have to meet an urgent deadline? Occasions may arise when you need several copies of their books fast.
You may have an event scheduled at an educational institute or business enterprise and need 100 copies of your book delivered to the location by a specific date and time. Failing to deliver the books can be embarrassing. It can also disrupt your marketing plans and cost you valuable sales.
Writers often announce a publication date for their books. Fans and business people have planned events around that date, and you wouldn’t want to disappoint them.
If you have a rush job and need help arranging printing and binding services with fast delivery, contact us.
“Jill Ronsley edited and designed my book, and got it printed and delivered on short notice for an event at the Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge. This would not have happened without her expertise. She also formatted my ebook and took care of Amazon for me. I strongly recommend her.”
— Rudi Pijnnaken, PT, CDP, author of Are You Losing Your Memory?

Are You Losing Your Memory by Rudi Pijnnaken was edited, designed, printed and delivered on very short notice.